Duration: About 5 months to do the full trail
Distance: 4,270km
Max Altitude: 4,009 (Forester Pass)
Location: California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia
I’ll be honest, I have not personally done this trail or even part of it but I have studied it in-depth and planned it out exactly how I’d do it. The one word I’d use to define this trail is “awesome” not in the “oh man that’s so awesome” kind of way but “awe-some”, meaning awe-inspiring. The scenery, the magnitude, the adventure, the sheer intensity and spontaneity of this trail inspires every cell in my body.
If you’re considering doing this trail, then take this as a sure sign – GO DO IT!
This iconic trail was made even more famous when the film “Wild” came out. Regardless whether it had inspired a book and film, this trail is iconic in it’s own right.
Some Fun Things To Know About The Pacific Crest Trail:
The full route passes over 60 major mountain passes, making this a high altitude trek. It also descends about 19 major canyons and passes more than 1,000 lakes.
Fewer people in the whole world in the history of trekking and mountaineering have done the full PCT in comparison to those who have climbed Everest. How cool is that? While everyone is aiming for the highest peak in the world, fewer people are looking to the lower altitudes at this inspiring high altitude trail.
The Pacific Crest trail crosses the San Andreas Fault three times.
If you were to fly the PCT, it would only be 1,600km but because of all the detours, mountain passes etc, the distance dramatically increases to almost triple that.
The longest waterless stretch on the PCT is just north of Tehachapi which is about 58km.
Some elite athletes have done the full trail in as little as 2 months!
This is a huge, huge undertaking regardless whether you decide to do a small, medium or large portion of it (or the entire thing). If you are considering doing it, first of all, good for you, I am so excited for you! But secondly and more importantly, you must put just as much time into your training as you will planning this spectacular adventure. I can promise you, even though I’ve never done it, if you don’t train for this, regardless the distance you plan on doing, you will suffer and have aches and pains most of the way. But the time and effort in now so you can enjoy every single step of the famous Pacific Crest Trail.
Click here for my blog specifically written and planned to train you for this trail: “How To Train For The Pacific Crest Trail PLUS The 8-Week Pacific Crest Trail Training Plan”